LSD: What is It?
LSD has trapped people in large numbers into a dependence cycle for more than 50 years. Since the turbulent, psychedelic days of the 1960s, LSD’s popularity has risen and fallen many times. However, the need for LSD drug rehab has never gone away.
To be clear about what LSD is, let’s examine the substance more closely. LSD is short for the medical term “lysergic acid diethylamide.” It’s known as one of the most powerful hallucinogenic drugs in the world. Its effects on users are very unpredictable, and it was banned for use in the US in 1968. This came after years of secret LSD experiments by the US government, most notably in the 1950s. Today, it’s still produced in small amounts for research and continues to be used recreationally. Given the sometimes drastic nature of LSD’s effects, LSD drug rehab treatment is of crucial importance.
What Was LSD’s Intended Uses Before It Was Banned?
LSD made its first appearance in 1938, created by a scientist using a fungus that grows on grain, such as rye. At first, medical professionals thought it might help with circulation but they soon realized it had profound psychological effects on users. Before long, LSD was being touted as a psychiatric and therapeutic drug that may help those individuals suffering from schizophrenia. It wasn’t until widespread recreational use occurred in the 1960s that the need for LSD drug rehab became apparent.
How is LSD Taken?
Typically, LSD is taken in a tablet form. However, it’s also available on blotter paper, as a thin gelatin form or as a liquid. Since LSD is colorless and has no odor, it’s hard to detect except for a bitter taste. To mask the bitterness, LSD is sometimes put on sugar cubes. Due to its colorless and odorless form, it can also be placed in unsuspecting people’s drinks. This was famously accomplished when a London dentist slipped LSD into the coffee of Beatles musicians John Lennon and George Harrison in 1965. The experience eventually lured the two into LSD use, and it figured prominently on the Beatles album Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band two years later. It was the endorsement of LSD by prominent rock bands like the Beatles that eventually led to the need for LSD drug rehab in the intervening years.
What Are the Effects of LSD? Why is LSD Drug Rehab Necessary?
LSD produces effects on users that are quite unlike most recreational drugs. Very intense effects are often experienced, and users often talk about “seeing sounds” and “hearing colors” while on the drug. But an LSD trip can also produce intense delusions that are frightening, causing users to panic and experience extreme fear. LSD effects generally kick in about 20 minutes after taking the drug and can last for quite some time. Users typically indicate feeling that their perception of time is distorted.
While pleasant and interesting trips can be experienced, LSD can also create terrifying experiences for users. Perhaps no other drug can so profoundly change someone’s personality and thought process like LSD. Before LSD turns you into a casuality, it’s strongly advised that you seek reputable LSD drug rehab treatment before your dependence gets out of control.
Here’s another reason why LSD drug rehab is so important. The toll LSD takes on its users can last for years and years in the form of flashbacks. In fact, it’s actually possible to have flashbacks after a single use of LSD. Such flashbacks can be pleasing, but they can just as likely be frightening. If you’re experiencing flashbacks, LSD drug rehab can help you get your footing again.
Some people dismiss the seriousness of LSD abuse because they hear LSD isn’t considered to be addictive. But they are only considering the idea of physical addiction. Psychological addiction can be just as powerful. And, of course, the physical effects of LSD abuse are certainly real enough. The erratic behavior, the risky or dangerous behaviors displayed are all very real consequences of LSD use. LSD is a dangerous and unpredictable hallucinogen, and you should seriously consider LSD drug rehab treatment is you’re under its spell.
What Are the Warning Signs of LSD Abuse?
If you happen upon someone in the middle of an acid trip, it may be quite obvious. However, if individuals aren’t tripping when you see them, it may be difficult to realize that there’s a problem going on. If you’re going to help a loved one get LSD drug rehab, it’s important that you gain a better understanding of the warning signs of LSD abuse.
LSD can be dangerous to people of any age. However, it is particularly dangerous to teenagers. Due to its extremely unpredictable effects, LSD can be harmful to teenagers’ bodies because of the many rapid changes occurring during puberty. To detect LSD use by teens, look for the following:
Rambling or incoherent speech: Some LSD users will be hard to understand if they are tripping. They speak in a rambling way, unable to bring their thoughts into sharp focus. What they say may not make any sense or their sentences may go on and on with frequent tangents. A famous example of this behavior was Dennis Hopper’s portrayal of a tripping photojournalist in the movie Apocalypse Now. This is a disturbing thing to witness in a loved one, and is a good reason to seek LSD drug rehab treatment.
Dilated pupils: With LSD use, pupils may be enlarged, which is generally very noticeable. Enlarged pupils will make users much more light sensitive.
Disorientation: Individuals taking LSD may lose awareness of their own identity. This is usually accompanied by confusion and an inability to understand where they are. Episodes like this are a big reason people seek LSD drug rehab treatment.
Sweating: When on LSD, users may get very sweaty. This is often due to a changed metabolism.
Mood swings: Using LSD can cause strange situations in which you experience multiple emotions, suddenly switching from one to another. In other words, you could go from feeling happy to feeling sad in the blink of an eye. Such events can be alarming, which is why LSD drug rehab should always be an option.
Unpredictable behavior: LSD leads to hallucinations. Users will frequently display erratic or strange behavior. Users may start doing something that is highly uncharacteristic for them. They may suddenly give into unusual or dangerous behavior. Frequently, LSD users have no awareness of their actions while tripping. And they clearly have little awareness of the consequences of their actions during this period. It’s these dangerous episodes that drive many people into LSD drug rehab.
Increased anxiety: LSD is infamous for giving its users “bad trips.” However, it doesn’t take a bad trip for users to experience increased anxiety due to the confusing things that LSD does to their perception. Many mental issues can arise from LSD use, including depression and paranoia. LSD drug rehab can help tackle these mental issues.
Many LSD users don’t take the drug frequently. Some take it once or twice and don’t return to it. This makes it harder to spot loved ones using LSD because there may not be a sudden change in school or work performance. If you suspect a loved one needs LSD drug rehab, you have to stay alert for signs of LSD use.
Looking for Signs of LSD Use
Although the above physical signs indicate LSD usage, there are other things to look for as well, including LSD-related paraphernalia. Being aware of the presence of LSD paraphernalia may be the only way to confirm your suspicions. If your suspicions are correct, LSD drug rehab may be necessary. To spot LSD use, be on the lookout for:
Blotter paper: This is a very popular delivery method for LSD. It is typically placed on the tongue. Blotter paper usually comes in the form of small squares or circles of paper with colorful images printed on them. They are so innocent in appearance that parents often have a hard time believing that they’re actually looking at doses of LSD.
Gelatin: Colored gelatin in the house could indicate the presence of LSD. Generally, the gelatin will be in small amounts.
Sugar cubes: These are another popular way to distribute LSD. These days, not many people use sugar cubes in their coffee. Sugar cubes around the house, and in strange places, are a possible indicator of LSD use.
If you have suspicions that a loved one is doing LSD, it’s important that you seek the services of a reputable LSD drug rehab facility for treatment. The long-term consequences for even short-term use can be troubling. Don’t wait to seek help.
The Importance of LSD Drug Rehab Treatment
LSD drug rehab treatment differs considerably from other types of addiction treatment. For starters, LSD isn’t physically addictive. In addition, there really aren’t any particular withdrawal symptoms associated with LSD. Psychological addiction and psychological after-effects of LSD, however, produce symptoms.
Unlike so many legal and illegal drugs, LSD isn’t physically addictive. As a result, LSD drug rehab treatment will be a little different than rehab for physically addictive drugs. With heroin or alcohol, there’s an intense physical craving when the drug isn’t taken. That’s not the case with LSD. However, as with marijuana, there can be a substantial psychological dependence that needs to be overcome. Removing LSD from your life is difficult, especially if you try to do it on your own. The professionals at an LSD drug rehab facility can help you regain the life that LSD has been taking away from you.
How Tolerance Affects LSD Drug Rehab Treatment
Although LSD isn’t physically addictive, people can easily develop a tolerance. Once that happens, more and more LSD is required to get the desired effect. Increasing doses of LSD is dangerous because too much of the substance in the system can lead to a dangerous situation. Remember that the higher dosage, the more unpredictable the results will be. That’s a good reason to seek LSD drug rehab treatment as soon as possible.
Having flashbacks is another aspect of LSD use that can be unsettling and disturbing. These flashbacks can occur long after use has been discontinued. The flashbacks bring the user back to the trip he or she was on. Unfortunately, bad flashbacks can cause people to develop mental health issues that often go unresolved. This is another reason to pursue LSD drug rehab. In a professional setting, doctors and trained staff members can help you deal with the emotional issues of LSD dependence and flashbacks.
Although no official withdrawal symptoms have been defined for LSD abuse, there are some common things that users experience, including impaired coordination, tremors, nausea and sweating. Certainly the best way to overcome the effects of LSD is to pursue LSD drug rehab as soon as possible.
The Importance of LSD Drug Rehab Treatment
Left unchecked, LSD use can unravel people’s lives. Fortunately, LSD drug rehab treatment is an effective way to put the drug in your past so that you can live your life normally again.
LSD drug rehab treatment helps in two important ways:
One-on-one and group counseling: people taking drugs have gradually been losing touch with themselves as well as with friends and family. Group counseling is helpful for discussing drug dependence with others who completely understand what you’re going through because they have many of the same issues. One-on-one counseling helps patients delve into psychological reasons why taking drugs became a prominent part of their lives.
Behavior modification: drug-taking is a habit, and it’s a habit that needs to be broken. In LSD drug rehab, patients can discover other ways to relax and occupy their time than taking drugs. For this to work, patients must acknowledge that they need to stop taking LSD and understand that this drug strips away many layers of their lives.
It’s Time To Act
Dependence on LSD changes your life, and not for the better. Relationships with friends and family are often put in great jeopardy. Work or school responsibilities also suffer. It’s just not worth it.
There’s no reason that LSD has to take over your life. Fight back with effective LSD drug rehab treatment and reclaim the life that LSD has been taking away from you.